MK Virtual
A display of Collectibles and arts
Vinyl records (33 RPM - 45 RPM - 78 RPM) - Vintage HI-FI: Amplifiers - 8 Tracks - Turntables - Cassette decks - Speakers - Antique radios - Games - Arts - Various collectibles
This site displays in image items that we own or have previously owned. Our first goal is to leave free informations for public view of various items that are often over 30 years old. All images are original from our site and the use of them is not permitted unless we grant written permission. Informations from items  listed are being take from the item's description when available or from internet sources that we may specify and even linked. Some items display here may have been sold, could be for sale, or kept for our private collection, without being specified.  If you have any interest in any of displayed items on this site in any field, you can contact us by E-mail at mkvirtual@ymail.com and we'll let you know it's status. We're trying (or will try) to keep updated the informations and status of all items shown in this site. The site is under constant work so we're constantly adding new items to view. Enjoy the visit!

Our specialities
Vinyl Records
Vintage Audio and Hi-Fi
Vintage Radios
Electronic games
Classic PC software

Other items
Other topics


Site infos


Vinyl records Vinyl Records collection
33 RPM - 45 RPM - 78 RPM
audio and hi-fi Vintage audio and hi-fi
Amplifiers & Receivers - Cassette decks
Turntables & pickups - 8 tracks
Reel to reel - Tuners - SpeakersMisc
Tube radios Vintage radios
Transistors - Tubes
Electronic game image Vintage Electronic games
Console - Games

Last update: March 6th 2015

Contact us at mkvirtual@ymail.com
© 2002-2015 MKvirtual