This is our pop/classic/oldies records listing in hand or previously owned.
All informations remains for users to view.
Some records displayed are for sale, even some without a price yet. Price tag on them are in USD. If you're interested in any of these records (even without price), contact us at mkvirtual@ymail.com N/A (Not Available) on info/Price means that the record is part of our personal collection N/C (Not Cleared) on info/price means that the record is available for sale but is on hold for some reasons and may have a 1 week shipping delays because of this. NLA (No Longer Available) : Last copy previously owned have been sold NB: All records marked "N/C" in info are theorically available for sale If you're interested in
one of more titles listed in this listing, those records/singles with
the mention "N/C" will have to be re-verified prior to autorize the
sale of the record(s). This actual visual (V) grading is dated for more
then 12 years so it will be gradually replaced by a real updated "play
grade", which means the record/single will be played on our
equipment and often carefully cleaned for optimal grading evaluation.All records with no mention of "N/C", with a red price have already been re-evaluated with a new grading. J-O
Added May 10th 2015